IATE JRU simulation tools based on Matlab environment web application


TAILORPACK is a free decision support system designed to help you in choosing the right packaging for your fresh produce.
It is made to suit the fresh fruits and vegetables chain needs, from production to retail.

It can be operated in 2 modes :
1. Given the permeation properties of the packaging, it can predict the gas exchanges in MAP of fresh produces (simulation mode)
2. Given the optimal storage atmosphere of the produce, it can predict the adequate permeation properties (optimization mode)

In order to use Tailorpack's freeware, you must provide input data such as :
=> respiration parameters of your produce
=> geometry of your packaging
=> your material's O2 and CO2 permeability
=> or the optimal storage atmosphere of your produce

More information

(1) Cagnon, T.; Méry, A.; Chalier, P.; Guillaume, C.; Gontard, N. Innov. Food Sci. Emerg. Technol. 2013, 20, 288–298.
(2) Guillard, V.; Guillaume, C.; Destercke, S. Postharvest Biol. Technol. 2012, 67, 154–166.
